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Int 21 Fn 3C  - DOS 2+ - "creat" - Create Or Truncate File                 [D]

   AH = 3Ch
   CX = file attributes (see below)
   DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename

Return: CF clear if successful
       AX = file handle
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (03h,04h,05h) (see AH=59h)

Notes: if a file with the given name exists, it is truncated to zero length
   under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX
   DR-DOS checks the system password or explicitly supplied password at
     the end of the filename against the reserved field in the directory
     entry before allowing access

See Also: AH=16h,AH=3Dh,AH=5Ah,AH=5Bh,AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1117h

Bitfields for file attributes:
 bit 0 read-only
 bit 1 hidden
 bit 2 system
 bit 3 volume label (ignored)
 bit 4 reserved, must be zero (directory)
 bit 5 archive bit
 bit 7 if set, file is shareable under Novell NetWare

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